Open source pdf creator java
Open source pdf creator java

This methodology is applied in three stages: (1) understanding the public interface of the class for use as a black box, (2) trying to reason about the design and possible errors in the class based on its lattice, and (3) inspecting actual source code. Concept analysis is a mathematical classification technique, which is used for different problems in software research. The thesis focuses on automizing the formal concept analysis using concept lattices 28 for the review of individual java classes.

open source pdf creator java

This is a common industrial process by which source code is usually read manually to find errors, potential improvements, dependencies, etc. thesis at the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), 27 focusing on automated methods for code inspection and review. It should also be mentioned that the CDK's software architecture has been independently chosen as subject of an M.Sc.

Open source pdf creator java